

venerdì 30 maggio 2014

Special Guest: COLORIBO!

The 24 june Bice Perrini, inventor of Movimento COLORIBO will be the special guest of "Creat(t)ivi a lavoro".
All the partecipants will be involved in creative cooking workshops with many products made in Puglia!

"I wanted to invite people to paint with food… it’s a multisensorial and different food… to eat with the whole body!"

Bice Perrini is an artist who always carries out the research of color in Art and Nature.
Bice Perrini, artist, lives and works in Bari, has always been interested in research and innovation in the field of painting and artistic uses different languages​​: Painting, Installation, Performance, video.

In 2008 Coloribo invented and created its online store www.coloribo.com.

Since 2009 organizes events recreating Ambient multisensory and creative, from 2012 delves into the educational Coloribo with the lab project entitled “From Orto to Art / Natural Colors Coloribo and the project for the Academy of Fine Arts titled “Movement Coloribo a new way of painting: the Food-Painting. “Care catering services as an artist and tastings zero km full of color and art.

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